Holistic Health and Wellness Practitioner 30 Courses Training Bundle
This 30-course bundle is a well-rounded curriculum that includes holistic health, feminine wellness and business.
Learn the Ways of The Medicine Woman. This 30-course bundle is a well-rounded curriculum that includes holistic health, feminine wellness and business. Now you can get certified and become a Holistic Health and Wellness Professional with board certified knowledge, herbal education, and training.
You'll receive our Purpose, Profits and Prosperity 9 Month VIP Coaching program as a bonus so that you can receive the mindset and business coaching needed for you as an entrepreneur.in the wellness industry. You'll also receive products that will get you started in providing services as soon as a few weeks after registration. Products include Hopi Ear Candles, Navel Candles, V Steam Herbs, V Steam Stool, and a beautiful V Steam Gown.
Take advantage of this 30-course training bundle and work one on one with me for business coaching and development and save!
Your Instructor
Tracey Bryant is an entrepreneur and a certified Self Love Coach, Holistic Health and Feminine Wellness, and Business Educator. She is a Licensed Social Worker, Herbalist, Womb Advocate, and International Speaker. Tracey loves all things feminine and sensual and believes that feminine wellness and creativity resides in the healing and balance of the Divine Feminine, “The Womb.” She is the founder and director of Love My Womb® Academy, the first, and only nationally accredited and board-certified feminine health and wellness educational program in the nation. She has certified graduates who are six and seven figure earners worldwide. Tracey helps graduates open wellness spas in their communities. She is the creator and founder of The Sweet Yoni Tea Company, and founder of the Sweet Yoni White Label Program for those who desire to start their very own branded feminine wellness product line and increase their profits. Tracey brings love, flavor, and inspiration in all that she touches.